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The purpose of this rationale is to identify further mysteries that are not understood and to promote peace among all people.   The starting point is an observation of the trend in nature from low levels of consciousness to higher levels of consciousness.    Past the limits of nature, one can imagine an infinity where this trend is continued.  Another observed trend is that superior beings can determine the welfare of inferior beings.  Humans have affected the welfare of other creatures since the first humans and often keep these creatures as pets.  A "pet theorist" or Petist, therefore, sees this relationship between humans and their pets and affirms that there is an intelligent supernatural being and/or beings that are superior to humans and that see humans in ways similar to how humans view other creatures.  Whether or not humans "descended" from a supernatural being, intelligent life is believed to be an end result of cause by an infinite source and we are subject to this infinite source.  This "pet theory" originates from observations of the natural world.  However, in the end it is a belief.  There are both agreement and disagreement with many familiar religious principles.

Using the analogy and rationale of pets and their masters, several key questions can be posed and considered.  First, what is the "personality" of our supernatural Master?  Is the master of the cosmos a kind, caring, and conscious master, concerned about the welfare of humans?   Second, and somewhat related, is the question of life after death.  Third, how can we please our supernatural Master and live happily now and in an afterlife?

The first question, concerning the "personality" of this master, is the most difficult to address.  It goes to the issue of why and how bad things can happen to good people and most often the answers depend upon inferring intents from nature.  There is no quick answer and the best that can be done here is to pose the question and state that there are good arguments for both, signs of careful attentiveness and also of signs of silent disinterest.

Answers to the second question, about whether there is an afterlife, hang in the balance of answers to the first question.  However, if humans can miss pets and would resurrect them if possible, then it's consistent conceptually to believe that a supernatural Master could which to have humans transfer to an afterlife.

​Answers to the third question, also depend on answers to the first question and regards how to please this master.  Paralleling again the relationship between humans and other creatures in nature, clear communications between a supernatural being and humans could be difficult.  However, whether one mainly subscribes to wisdom handed down to them or mainly looks at their universe  anew, some of the wisdom is the same.  Peace on earth is the best condition for human existence.  Presuming this master is concerned with our happiness, making peace is our most important task.  Peace on earth, however, is always fragile and sometimes force is necessary to restore peaceful order.  Where peace exists, it is eventually achieved by forgiveness and by behaving towards others as we wish them to behave toward ourselves.  Humans make mistakes and often intentionally do harm.  Therefore, part of making peace is to forgive each other, i​f possible, and also one's self.  To please and be at peace with the supernatural Master, humans may need forgiveness.  The difficulty of receiving that forgiveness would have to do with the first question concerning the personality of this master.

When this Petist rationale for human existence is viewed as a whole, the most difficult mystery is about the "personality" of this master.  The "personality" of this master affects all other mysteries.  Otherwise, when this and other explanations that are given for intelligent life are distilled, our "pet theory" purpose is to please this supernatural Master through the pursuit of peace and happiness.​